Media Center

Media Center services
The Media Center serves as a base for the press during the opening hours of events. There you can familiarize yourself with the materials, work on the story, do an interview, have a cup of coffee and meet colleagues. You will also find:
- press materials of the event
- information about events during the fair
- exhibitors’ press releases
- computers for working
- wireless network
- coffee and tea
- free storage lockers for storing personal belongings
- cloakroom
Arrival at the Media Center
The Media Center is located near the southern entrance, on the second floor. Always arrive at the fair via the Media Center, unless you have received a PRESS card in advance.
Since the Media Center is a work space, we hope that children, strollers and pets are not brought onto the site.
If you arrive by car, tell the Media Center staff your license plate number. Parking is free for accredited journalists at events organized by Messukeskus itself. Please note that the Messukeskus also organizes guest events hosted by other event organizers, where the parking policy may vary.

Media Center opening hours
We serve journalists during trade fair opening hours. The opening hours can be easily found on the fair’s own website.
MEDIA services
Media bank
In our media bank, you can find photos and other material from our events. The material is freely available for communication purposes.