Contact us
Contact information
Postal address: Messukeskus, PL 21, 00521 Helsinki
Street address: Messuaukio 1, 00520 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 40 450 3250
Format for e-mail addresses: first name.lastname(at)
Press Center during event opening hours, tel. +358 40 450 3236
Business ID:s
Suomen Messut Oyj 0116322-3 / FI01163223
Suomen Videoviestintä SVV Oy 1079142-4 / FI10791424
Expomark Oy Expomark Oy 1933047-2 / FI19330472

Contact Center
Our contact center is open weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm (EET):, tel. +358 40 450 3250
Corporate customers & eMessukeskus Help Desk
Exhibitor Service during construction and opening hours:
Tel: +358 40 450 3241, +358 40 450 3242
You can also send feedback via the feedback form.
In case of any issues, assistance is also available at the entrance service desk during the event’s opening hours.
Billing contact information
Our e-invoicing operator is now Apix Messaging. You can find the up-to-date billing information on this page.
We use primarily electronic invoicing
Suomen Messut Oyj: 003701163223, Apix Messaging Oy,
intermediary ID: 003723327487
Suomen Videoviestintä Oy: 003710791424, Apix Messaging Oy,
intermediary ID: 003723327487
Expomark Oy: 003719330472, Apix Messaging Oy,
intermediary ID: 003723327487
Invoices sent by e-mail can be sent to:
Suomen Messut Oyj:
Suomen Videoviestintä Oy:
Expomark Oy:
When sending invoices via email, please note the following:
- The invoice sent as an e-mail attachment must be in PDF, JPG or TIF format (only one attachment).
- The invoice should not have other recipients in the “To:” field. You may use “Cc:” (Copy) and “Bcc:” (hidden copy) in addition to the main recipient.
- It is recommended to include the word “invoice” and the invoice number in the subject line to make it easier to match the confirmation message from the service.
- The invoice must be attached to the email as a PDF file. Any information in the body of the email will not be forwarded.
- Each email should contain only one PDF file with a single invoice. If there are other files in the email, they will be added as attachments to the invoice.
- Any text in the body of the email will not be considered when processing the invoice.
Receiving Purchase Invoices by Email – Apix Messaging
Paper invoice addresses:
Suomen Messut Oyj
P.O.B. 1000
00781 Helsinki
Suomen Videoviestintä SVV Oy
P.O.B. 1 000
00781 Helsinki
Expomark Oy
P.O.B. 1000
00781 Helsinki
The service provider for invoice processing is Accountor Oy. For questions related to changes in billing addresses and purchase invoices, please contact the address:
Representatives in Europe and Latin America
Our foreign representatives in Asia, Europe and Latin America will help you when you want more information about Messukeskus’ events, services and facilities.
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg
Q voor Q Adviseurs bv
Dovenetelweg 21
2555 TA Den Haag, Netherlands
Tel. +31 70 2500722
GSM: +31 6 41040411
Italian Trade Connections
Contact person: Luca Di Marcangelo
Tel. +39 346 648 4934
Latin America
Eco. Lassi Pensikkala
Via Samborondón km 8.5 CC La Estela
092302 Guayaquil, Ecuador
Tel. +593 99 756 5605
SIA Floriance
Contact person: Kristīne Korpilahti
Jaunība 78, Stīpnieki, Olaines pagasts, Olaines novads LV-2113 Latvia
Tel: +371 26336193
Juste Bliujute
Subaciaus g. 8-14, LT-01302 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 611 44772
Hivemind Consulting
Contact person: Aleksandra Karimaa
Tykistökatu 4, Electrocity
20520 Turku
Tel. +358 400 503 966
Profexpo OÜ
Contact person: Tiit Sarv
Tiina Laikre
Ahtri 12, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia
Tel: + 372 62 61 347

Buy tickets at the ticket shop
You can get fair tickets at a reduced price by purchasing them in advance.