FinnBuild 50 years in October 2024

FinnBuild, the largest construction and building technologies fair, celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. The event was first held in 1974 in Messuhalli, now known as the Töölö Sports Hall. The 50th anniversary event will take place on 8-10 October 2024, and will be celebrated to the tune of Portion Boys at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre.
The first FinnBuild fair was held in Töölö at the same time as the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre was being built in Pasila, a new and magnificent coal-fired power plant opened in Hanasaari and construction began on the Hervanta district of Tampere. Estonian Viru Hotel built by Finns opened around the same time.
Construction and building technology professionals will gather next year for a celebratory event which, in addition to a nostalgic atmosphere and historical highlights, will feature a wide range of new products related to the green transition in construction, the circular economy, smart buildings and energy saving solutions, as well as major innovations that will be rewarded in numerous competitions. A couple of hundred companies from several countries in Europe and the Far East have already registered for the event. Almost all the leading names in the building products industry are taking part.
The construction industry is already preparing for 2025
FinnBuild 2024 will showcase trends and new products in concrete and wood construction and building technology. Other important topics include renovation, infrastructure and environmental construction and planning.
The Employer of the future theme is already seen as a definite topic at the fair, as the industry is already expected to face a labour shortage at that time. Construction education and student programmes are an important part of FinnBuild 2024.
"The 50th anniversary of FinnBuild will be visible at the event in terms of history, nostalgia and celebration, but above all the event will be a platform for the industry to look forward to a more positive future and business growth in 2025," says Jussi Kivikari, business manager of FinnBuild.
Despite the recession, the construction and building technology sector has its eyes on the future and, for example, on how to attract enough labour to the industry as construction activity increases again.
"At FinnBuild in autumn 2024, we will look far ahead to 2025-2026, when the construction sector will certainly be in a better situation than it is today. Energy efficiency, good indoor conditions and, on the other hand, tightening regulations, but also new business opportunities, will certainly continue to be a topic of discussion as the construction sector takes off again," says Ilkka Salo, CEO of Talteka.
In addition, the event will discuss current issues affecting the construction industry in our society and the impact of megatrends such as climate change on the construction market.
Competitions spice up the festivities - SPAN Wooden Bridge Competition is open
FinnBuild 2024 will feature the traditional FinnBuild Highlights competition and the SPAN Wooden Bridge competition, for which registration is already open. FinnBuild Highlights will open in a slightly renewed form at the end of January, with the biggest price in history, 15 000 euros. The SPAN Wooden Bridge competition for students will have a price of 5 000 euros. Both prices are awarded by the Finnish Fair Foundation.
FinnBuild is the largest construction and building technology fair in Finland in terms of the number of participating companies, visitors and exhibition space. It is held every two years.
For more information:
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, communications, Anu-Eveliina Mattila, tel. +358 50 555 6185,
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, business manager, Jussi Kivikari, tel. +358 50 525 2425,, LinkedIn #FinnBuild2024 #construction #buildingtechnology