
We accredit journalists, photographers and other editorial staff at our fairs. As an accredited media representative, you have free access to the trade fairs organized by Messukeskus as well as the Messukeskus’ media services.
We require accredited journalists to be committed to ethical journalistic practices. Accreditation requires a valid Journalists’ Union membership card or similar proof that you are a media representative and working at the fair. Present the card at the Press Center, where you will receive a PRESS pass. We do not send passes by e-mail.
Get accreditation in advance or register at the Press Centre during event opening hours.
Media services
Get accredited
We accredit journalists, photographers and other editorial staff at our fairs. As an accredited media representative, you can freely access the trade fairs organized by Messukeskus and have access to media services.
Filming at our events
Events organized by Messukeskus may be filmed and video recorded for personal or journalistic use, as long as it does not disturb other clients or the ongoing programme. Please remember to respect the privacy of our guests when photographing. If you are photographing or recording identifiable people, you should ask their permission. When filming children, it is absolutely essential to ask permission from the parents in written form. Messukeskus also has the right to prohibit photographing and filming. Recording of the entire programme always requires the permission from Messukeskus communications,

Influencer pass
Are you a social influencer? Check out our influencer pass!
Please note that Messukeskus also holds guest events where an external organizer rents the Messukeskus facilities for their own event. These events may have a different accreditation policy, and media access must be agreed separately with the event organizer.